Geodetic & Land Surveying Services Montenegro

Geo Invest l.l.c.


We offer all types of geodetic & surveying services


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Geodetic & Land Surveying Services Montenegro

Geo Invest l.l.c.


We offer all types of geodetic & surveying services


Contact us

About Us

Geo Invest l.l.c. is a private company that was founded at the beginning of 2018 to perform all types of geodetic work (surveying). The company is located in Podgorica.

We provide the highest standards of service using the latest and most modern technologies in the field of geodesy. Our services are available in Montenegro and abroad.

We provide geodetic services for private and business entities, as well as for public companies.

Surveying Services

Geodetsko-katastarski poslovi

Geodetic & cadastral services

Complete service during parcel division, geodetic surveying, project realization & implementation.

Inženjerska geodezija

Geodesy in civil engineering

Production of geodetic foundations for design purposes.

Monitoring the geometry of objects during construction.


Legalizacija objekata

Legalization services

Preparation of the survey & geodetic works for the needs of legalization of the facilities in accordance with the Law on legalization of buildings.

Stručni nadzor i revizija

Expert supervision & geodetic audits

Performing professional supervision during the execution of geodetic works.

Revision of geodetic works.


Aerofotogrametrijsko snimanje

Aerial photogrammetric surveys

Drone surveying for the needs of the DOF, design and urban planning.



We provide consulting services related to construction, real estate cadastre, checking construction permits, etc.

Why choose Geo Invest


Our team consists of highly experienced experts who provide high-quality geodetic services.


Our geodetic services are provided in accordance with all standards and regulations, with top quality and guaranteed reliability.


Many years of experience and the trust our clients have given us confirm our expertise and quality.

Modern instruments

By using modern geodetic instruments and software, we ensure that the work we perform is at the highest level possible.

Get in touch

Contact us for more information and schedule an appointment to resolve your problem.