
Research, advisory and consulting services

We provide consulting services related to the arrangement of borders, construction of buildings, legalization of illegal construction, real estate cadastre, identification of cadastral parcels, determination of ownership of parcels, determination of the genesis of changes in condition and ownership of parcels, checking whether construction is permitted, etc.

It often happens that, when it is necessary for you to carry out a procedure as quickly as possible, you find that the previous owners are still registered in the cadastre, that the buildings are not marked, that the land is registered as agricultural land and not as a building plot and similar situations. This distinction between the situation on the ground and the situation according to the registered situation in the real estate cadastre is a very common case, and you always find out about this problem the moment when you start the procedure of taking a loan, buying and selling, probate… Then you have to face a complicated problem, hiring a surveyor, architect, lawyer… procedures in the cadastre, municipality, city, court… waiting for a decision to be made, waiting for the decision to become legally binding… all this combined with a whole series of bureaucratic obstacles.

Stručni nadzor i revizija

We provide consulting services related to:

Real Estate Administration: Registration of property rights on immovable property, registration of buildings in the cadastre, registration of all encumbrances provided for by the Survey and Cadastre Act, preparation of complete documentation for the conclusion of the contract before the competent notary, for obtaining extracts and transcripts, for obtaining real estate certificate and copies of the plan, etc.

Urban Planning: Obtaining urban planning and technical conditions, excerpts from planning documentation, as well as preparation of complete documentation for obtaining a building permit.

Get in touch

Contact us for more information and schedule an appointment to resolve your problem.